Tuxedo - The Well Dressed Web Mail


Tuxedo is an easy to install, latest generation webmail client designed to work with most PHP5/IMAP email server deployments. Everyone is talking about the latest AJAX capable, web-based email clients that give your customers the look and feel of an ordinary desktop application - Tuxedo has all that and more.

LinuxMagic® has made webmail easy again. For only $189.99 USD, you can get one that is ready to run, installs in minutes, and can be branded and customized as your very own company webmail. You can have all the greatest features up and running in no time.

With full drag-and-drop functionality and a classy look and feel, you will be impressing your customers and your bosses in no time at all. LinuxMagic® has designed Tuxedo to be simple, which means it requires no databases, no software to modify, and with our packages, a simple command is all it takes to install and run.

Tuxedo Webmail

Tuxedo's List of Features

  • Installs on most Linux/PHP5 compatable web servers
  • Connects to most IMAP servers
  • Drag-and-drop email messages between folders
  • Simple, cool and easy to use Address Book
  • No database required
  • Easy to brand and customize
  • Automatic message retrieval
  • Support for multiple identities
  • and more...
Tuxedo Webmail

Still not convinced? Here are a few screen shots. You could be using this to check your emails today! To purchase simply contact sales@linuxmagic.com!

Special Notes for ISP's

Tuxedo was designed to be database-free. This means you can use ANY storage, including NFS or others to store your customers' address books and settings. Our product was designed to work efficiently under high-load demands, and LinuxMagic® has 10 years experience of working with ISP's and Telco's. Although any AJAX or highly graphical webmail may be slower than simpler webmails in a dialup environment, your high speed customers will love this. Use it to create dependency on your brands, and the code is all in Open Source PHP, in case you are the hands on type that just wants a leg up to get a base to move forward on some of your own ideas.

Special Thanks

Tuxedo may not have been possible if not for the hard work of the Open Source community, and especially the RoundCube developers who have contributed so much development, testing and work on that project. Your purchases of this product allow our developers to continue working on this project so feel free to let us know how we can make this product better. Improvements to Tuxedo will not only benefit the Tuxedo product, but help give back to the RoundCube project and those who made it possible.